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Stroll down the Bayside Arts Trail from Brighton to Hampton, then pop up to Hampton Street for a well earned coffee. Hampton St is the ideal stop off point for this well known Bayside arts attraction. For more insight on the artworks which are on display along the trail or for more background into the stories, visit Bridget McDonnell Gallery, they are the experts in all things art and have great knowledge of our local artists. The Bayside Coastal Art Trail spans 17kms and includes 40 well known Australian artists.

Many of the artists that feature on the trail lived in Bayside at some time. Painters include Arthur Merric Boyd, Arthur Streeton, Tom Roberts, Clarice Beckett and Fred McCubbin to name just a few...

The Bayside Coastal Art Trail celebrates the lives and artwork of notable Australian artists who painted the Bayside coast in years past and maps an important part of Bayside's cultural heritage whilst enhancing the enjoyment for present day visitors to the coast. There are now 90 signs along along the entire length of the Bayside Coastal Art Trail which has been expanded from simply prominent artworks to now comprise four complete elements: Art, History, Indigenous and Environment.

Bayside’s rich coastal history (epitomised by the colourful Brighton Bathing Boxes) and the significant local flora and fauna are also prominent elements of the Bayside Coastal Trail

For a full listing of the works on the Bayside Coastal Arts Trail and to download a brochure and map, visit the Bayside City Council website.

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