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On Wednesday 9 April, Hampton Street Traders embarked on a location photo shoot to feature our next round of Hampton Street faces.

Shot by the gorgeous and super talented Zoe Wetherall, the shoot took place at Shakes, SIPP Cafe, Josephine's Shoes, Davies & Son Giftwares and Fazio’s Pizzeria and Grill over what was most of a wet and rainy wednesday, art directed by the equally gorgeous Bryony from Tangent Branding

Despite the weather, the shoot went smoothly and we managed to captured the essence and vibrancy of these five awesome Hampton Street businesses. The photos are being edited (red eyes, goofy smiles...), and we'll be adding trader profiles to get these names up in lights on the site.

Thanks to all the businesses for being so accommodating in the middle of business hours, it’s a tough day at the office when you’re forced to eat beautiful food, ice cream, drink great coffee and wine - all in the name of work of course!

Watch this space to read more about our next round of local faces and their businesses...

Still watching...? the new Trader Profiles are now live so click on and meet our new faces.

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